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Tag: design-patterns

d3js mask to show dots over bar chart

i saw this example here: and i want to add these dots over my bar chart using mask. Here is my JavaScript code: Here is my CSS code: and here my live example: Where is the problem and i cannot see this outcome correct outcome but i see this one wrong outcome? Answer Solution: just change the circle

toggling variable inside Module Pattern using function declaration vs function expression

I have a module pattern with a variable setting the currentPlayer to 1. I use a function expression to toggle that variable If I run game.currentPlayer it logs 1, I then run game.toggleCurrentPlayer(), and it doesn’t change currentPlayer as intended, it still returns 1. However, changing the toggleCurrentPlayer() function using this, seems to be able to change the variable successfully

Rxjs nested subscribe with multiple inner subscriptions

Original promise based code I’m trying to rewrite: I’m trying to figure a way how to avoid the nested subscriptions anti-pattern in the following scenario: What would be the correct ‘RxJS way’ to do this? Answer That seems pretty strange to me. You’re creating new subscription for each child every time parentResult arrives. Even though those eventually indeed will be

how does reactor pattern work in Node.js?

I am reading Node.js Design Patterns. I am stuck in the understanding of the reactor pattern. I do not see any call stack here. I thought the call stack was one of the main parts of Node.js design. Can anyone please help me understand this diagram? Also, there is no callback queue. Answer Everything starts with the application, application makes
