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Tag: css

Change CSS with JS for a toggled class

I’m learning JS right now, and I trying to do the following: I’m creating an html grid, each cell is marked with a cell class which doesn’t give it a background color. When I mark the cell (i.e by clicking), the JS code adds it a colored class, which gives it background color: Now, I’m trying to take it a

Conditional link styling React

I want my nav bar to style the page title I’m in, im using React and Tailwind CSS, for example, just make the title yellow when im on the selected path. My logic to achieve that would be this but isn’t working: My rout code: Nav bar code: Answer Well at the end the problem was the path variable which

getting the height of the text in a fixed height div

Say I have this code: With a font-size of 150px it’s none to surprising that the text inside the div would be bigger than the div itself. At least in Google Chrome it is. My question is… how might I go about figuring out the height / width of the text within a fixed size div? Using jQquery, $(…).height() returns
