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Tag: css

How to fade In/Out text + images

I’m trying to create a reviews area within my website, to display some clients reviews I gathered + their logo. For now, I’ve managed to change both (review+logo) every 5 seconds :)! it works! What I’m trying to achieve now is to fade/out and fade/in the next review + logo. I’m not sure where should I search about it, can

Is there a way to set the first element in this .map method to a default class on load?

I am currently rendering three buttons using a .map method in React. The buttons are being pulled from an array in a useState. When clicked, the buttons have a .active class added to them. How can I set the first element to have the .active class when the page is first loaded? Current Code: Tried setting the first activeObject

how to scroll years using pikaday?

I am using pikaday.min.js and pikaday.min.css in my project. The problem is with the years. When I click the year, the options are the chosen year -/+ 10 years, but there is no scroll option when the grey box pops up. For ex. if I want to select year 2002 in the example below, I must select years <2012 in

Cant override the color with javascript

i want to make the color of the number green if its more than zero to make it green and want to be red when its below zero but i cant do it i dont get why can anyone explain Answer The order in your code is not correct. You must get an element after it is added to DOM.

Dropdown on click doing nothing

I am just starting JS, so this may be a stupid question. I want to make a dropdown, where if you pick one option the related paragraph would be visible. I didn’t really know how to start this so I created the cars function to make the “e38value” paragraph visible when clicking the e38 button, but nothing happens when I
