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Tag: css

Change default color of button in Next.js

I am having a problem changing default color of buttons in Next.JS Web Application. It’s button text color is grey when I see it in google chrome in Desktop, but looks blue when I open it using my Mobile chrome browser. I want to make the button text color as grey in both of them. The way of customizing the

Flexbox scroll overflowing content in an dynamic sized parent

I have a simple menu and content div structure. The menu has no fixed size and can expand depending on its content. The content div underneath should take the available space and scroll its own content if overflowing. Unfortunately, flexbox now behaves in such a way that the content div, due to its flex:1 property, expands according to its content

Password validation in a modal javascript

I am trying to check if two passwords (password1 and password2) in the input fields are the same. If I click the button there is automatically a text which is not in the corresponding condition of the button. I am trying to fix to display a text when – 1) Checking of empty password field. 2) minimum password length validation.

Transition animation does not works properly on Safari

I used CSS transition for create the Fade Up animation effect. Here is the code: For addding active to the block I used: And this animation works well on Firefox, Opera, and of course Chrome. But there is some issue on iPhone. Here is example: as you can see the block Fade Up but after disappears and reappears. Maybe

Serialized and deserialize HTML style tag with CSS

What I’m trying to do: Save/copy HTML snippet in one place, paste it in another place and have it de-serealized into an analogous DOM How do I do serialization now Call element.outerHTML on a container element I’ve also tried using new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(element) with the same result The issue When I serialize style nodes that contain the css like: They actually
