Hi I am having issue with my custom scroll requirement : when ever user hovers on to a div then only scroll bar has to be shown and when user hover’s on scroll bar then the scroll bar width has to increase from 5px to 15px. what i did : i created custom scroll bar and implemented hover on div
Tag: css-selectors
Need help combining class, active and before selectors
I’m trying to make an accordian menu (I’m a massive noob at HTML, CSS and JS as you can probably tell). My main goal is to make the “+ Work” and “+ Social” buttons change to “- Work” and “- Social” respectively when active. I tried using the ::before selector and I just can’t get it to work. When I
how to select span with specific email attribute value with Puppeteer
using Puppeteer trying to search in my email page for recent emails that contain specific (“email” in my case) attribute or by the text value at least Answer Using $:
What is the difference between adding .classA and .classB.classA in CSS?
the problem is when I put .show instead of.box.show in CSS the even boxes don’t come from the left side. I just wanna know why? because I thought they were the same thing. but it seems like in this code they are behaving differently. Answer .classA targets elements with CSS classclassA and has a CSS specificity of 0, 0, 1,
How to select all tags except anchors (neither anchors inside another element) with document.querySelectorAll?
edit: Is it possible to get all the inner text from tags in HTML document except text from anchor tags <a> (neither the the text from <a> anchors inside another elements) with the document.querySelectorAll method? My program has an input field that allows users to insert some selector to get the text for certain tags in a given site page.
Applying CSS by Component’s displayName?
Calling all experts! I am trying to add a class to disable all element’s descendants to be read only, the style is fine, but it doesn’t applied to all descendants nor any: The element is a component that I want to have the above style by displayName as div id, like so: The output HTML: The final result should show
querySelector() where display is not none
I have a long list of <li> items I need to filter. I want the visible ones. Here’s an example hidden one: Those which are not hidden don’t have a display visible attribute, they just don’t have a style attribute at all. This gives me the opposite of what I want: How can I select based on style attribute does
How can I use document.querySelector to select this class name with a space in it?
I have been using But now, the class name has changed: there’s a space and some new text in the class name: How can I change el = document.querySelector(“.PrmryBtnMed”); to find the right class? I tried using el = document.querySelector(“.PrmryBtnMed.ApricotWheat”); but that didn’t work. Next, I tried to add a space (and escape using a backslash): el = document.querySelector(“.PrmryBtnMed ApricotWheat”);
Get CSS path from Dom element
I got this function to get a cssPath : But i got something like this : html > body > div#div-id > div.site > div.clearfix > ul.choices > li But to be totally right, it should look like this :html > body > div#div-id > div.site:nth-child(1) > div.clearfix > ul.choices > li:nth-child(5) Did someone have any idea to implement it
Select Element By CSS style (all with given style)
Is there a way to select all elements that have a given style using JavaScript? Eg, I want all absolutely positioned elements on a page. I would assume it is easier to find elements by style where the style is explicitly declared: the style is non-inherited (such as positioning) the style is not the default (as would be position:static). Am