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Tag: cookies

Can’t delete cookie in express

Pretty simple. I set a cookie like so in my /user/login route: I’ve already set my secret for cookie-parser: Pretty basic stuff. Everything is working great insofar as I’m able to retrieve whatever I stored in the cookie: This middleware is called before anything else, so for the sake of the argument “Cookie exists!” is always logged in my console

Remove cookie problems JS-COOKIE

JS Cookies remove cookie, undefined Hi Guys, I have trying to remove a cookie from a domain but I can’t, the console return undefined. When I log in the cookie is set up in but after that the URL change to and keep the same cookies. The name of the cookie I want to remove is bookId, here

why is my JavaScript cookie only working on one page?

I have a JavaScript cookie question. I have used the example for writing and reading a JavaScript cookie from this site: The cookie reads and writes just fine to the same page but once I go to another page with a similar form that it should work in – the information in the cookie is gone. I had originally

how to delete cookie on logout in express + passport js?

I want to “delete cookies on logout”. I am not able to do that. I googled for answer and found following ways: Assign new date of expiration to cookie res.cookie(‘connect.sid’, ”, {expires: new Date(1), path: ‘/’ }); Delete cookie using below lines res.clearCookie(‘connect.sid’, { path: ‘/’ }); I tried both ways individually but they do not delete the cookie. Here

“The owner of this website has banned your access based on your browser’s signature” … on a url request in a python program

When doing a simple request, on python (Entought Canopy to be precise), with urllib2, the server denies me access : Error: This is a apparently a generic issue, so I found several clues on the web. A firewall, proxy, a browser plugin or extension may be throwing a false positive. Try visiting the site with a different browser as

Display A Popup Only Once Per User

There have already been answers to this question but I am still unsure exactly how it works. I am using the following HTML in my footer.php: and the following Javascript: Everything works great, but I want to only show the pop up once per user (maybe using the cookie thing all the forum posts go on about) but I do

Get a cookie value (javascript)

so I am new to Javascript and I am attempting to get a cookie value to keep track of a test. I have six questions and when a question is finished I increment “counter” up 1 value, this way if the user loses connection while on question four the counter would be at four. Then when they reconnect I could

Internet Advertisers and Third-Party Cookies – clarification?

I’ve read this question about how third party cookie are set , which is a subject I already know : it can be done via three ways : Script (application/javascript)mime type ( which is generated at server side) which can also set cookie. ( along with the script response). img link <IMG href=”http://www.advertiser.exmaple/add.cgi?″> form submission to an iframe ( for
