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Tag: cookies

Cookie set without a name

I’m trying to set a simple cookie but the name of the cookie is never set. I’m setting the cookie like this: The name of the cookie is not set, only content is set with the name + the value. The environment variable is defined properly since it’s displayed in the “content”. Why isn’t ${process.env.REACT_APP_TERMS_CONDITIONS_ACCEPTANCE_NAME} defined as the name and

How to delete a cookie in Reactjs

I am developing a web app with react front-end and node baack-end I want to delete the cookie being stored so that I can successfully be able to logout the user. I have tried using the js-cookie library and react-cookie library but it does not work. nav_component: How I set the cookie in the backend: It should be noted that

How to store my actions in cookies through JavaScript? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I currently have a checkbox. I want to implement a method as described below~ When the user clicks on the

Set cookie everytime user deletes it

I want to create a cookie everytime a user deletes it, using Javascript. For example, I have many cookies, even some cookies which set a ban time to the user who abuses the website. Basically I want to set a cookie which will be set whenever all of the cookies are deleted. Btw, I do not want to create the

HttpOnly cookie is set only after the second request

I have a server (Node.js + Nest.js) and a client (Angular 11). The client submits a login request and the server logs in the user and sets a HttpOnly cookie in the response. The wierd thing is that the cookie is set in the browser only after submitting 2 requests, then it works fine (If i use postman for example,

Enabling 4-digit pincode autofill using cookies

I have a simple form where one needs to enter a 4-digit PIN code. However, I would also like to autofill that PIN code when the user comes back to the website again, using JS cookies. JS: HTML: I’m aware of a few things that are wrong about this code. in the checkCookie() function, if the user has a cookie
