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Tag: components

PrimeVue ConfirmDialog Opens Multiple Times

I have a <ConfirmDialog> component from PrimeVue that works as it should, except for the fact that it opens multiple times when activated; for reference, I do the component multiple times throughout, some of the ConfirmDialogs only open once, most of them open twice usually. When accepting or rejecting the dialog, they all close instantly, however, when pressing ‘X’ at

TypeError: this.$refs is not a function

So I have a problem with VueJs. I created a “Confirmation Dialogue” and added it to a On-Click-Event on buttons. It worked fine. Now I tried to copy the implementation to add it to another button on a different parent. It says “TypeError: this.$ is not a function” in the Console whenever I try to click the button. The other

How to update texts in React

Good evening everyone, I am trying to create an online application to take quizzes in order to practice for exams. My problem is as follows: I have the following ‘App’ component: And its output is the following image: Where as we can see, the active navbar element and the Home sign that is between the navbar and the component below

When trying to use Card of Reactstrap I get Warning: React.jsx: type is invalid — expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function?

I tried to import the Card component from the Reactstrap library, and unfortunately this has resulted in the error below. When I remove the element, the page works again as intended. IMPORTS (IN PROFILE COMPONENT): EXPORT (AT BOTTOM OF PROFILE COMPONENT): In APP.js router: Full Profile component: Answer I think you might not have read reactstrap’s docs closely enough –
