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Tag: c#

Submit button not consistently firing

I have an core razor form with a submit button. When the user clicks ‘Update’, the form calls a JavaScript function to prompt the user if they are sure they want to complete the request. This functionality has been working, but starting last week, the form will occasionally not save despite the user confirming that they want to complete

Does future in c++ corresponding to promise in javascript?

I am a c++ programmer and tried to study std::future and std::promise these days. When I randomly search some information about future/promise, I found some discussion about future/promise in javascript and promise in javascript has then function. In c++, even though std::future don’t have then function now, but some proposal have mentioned it. So, there are two question: does std::future

OnClick inside anything on Modal crash it

First of all, excuse me for my level of english and for beign baerly new on this. I have this, it is a modal with a 2 gridsviews, a textbox and three buttons as you can see. The table i am hidding has a list of information from a sql data base. Appears Modal Whenever i click on a function

C# Replacing weirdness

I have an annoying problem with replacing in C#. I have an array with what letter i should to replace with: That’s basically a file output that splits to array Next a have this loop: That should replace it right, according to the JS Can you help me re-writing this exact thing but with C#? I don’t know what to
