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Tag: bootstrap-modal

How can I add bootstrap ‘modal’ in fullCalander

Hi I’m making fullCalendar page for giving information of some events. When I click any date or event, my goal is give specific information. So I want to add bootstrap’s component ‘modal’ in fullCalendar. I searched much time.. but I couldn’t get solution for my problem. How can I add modal on my fullCalendar page well.. Please help me. My

React Modal returns last value of mapped data

Struggling with this issue with the earlier answers not utilizing map function / functional components. When I click my Card, the modal only shows the data of the last Modal: Answer According to your code, multiple modals will be opened and you will see the last modal. If you have 10 products, then 10 modals will be opened. My suggestion

Bootstrap modal being rendered inside side bar

I’m losing my head over this modal which keeps showing up inside my side div area, I haven’t found anything about it on the bootstrp5 documentation nor on any online forums. I just need it to render centered on the page, and the fade effect to affect all background, as per the bootstrap documentation ( But I haven’t found any

Modal doesn’t open on all buttons

As my title already says, I have an issue with a modal not opening on all buttons. Here is the situation: I have a page that displays all applications a user has sent for different jobs. So it may be just one, or up to whatever. It looks like this: Now if the user wants to cancel the application he

Updating Table With User Information from Modal Popup

I am trying to update a row with just the name entered from a modal popup, where the user enters name, email, and phone-number. I attached an eventListener to the button Submit, that has a updateTable function that I am having a hard time understanding. I see that is grabs the data by table row with querySelectorAll, and loops through
