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Tag: axios

Pass parameter/argument to axios interceptor

How do I send custom parameters to the axios interceptor? I am using an interceptor like this: I also have a response interceptor that needs to receive the same parameter. Answer The method suggested by @Laurent will cause axios to wipe out all your other parameters and replace it with my_variable, which is may not exactly what you want. The

Change the default base url for axios

I have configured my axios like this Inside my component, I make a call as Now the above works but I would like to change the baseURL without affecting the global base URL so that in my component I can simply use it without API endpoint so I’ve tried How do I go about this? Answer Instead of use If

How to make axios synchronous

I’m using axios to check if an alias has not already been used by another in the database. Problem: The ajax call doesn’t wait for the server response to execute the remaining code. The code looks like : The console shows the following result: I cannot move the code of the save() method into .then because I do other validations

Cant cancel Axios post request via CancelToken

This code cancel GET requests but cant abort POST calls. If i send GET requests first and i dont cancel them via abortAll method,they just finish by themselves this token cancel by itself and doesnt work on next requests? What am i missing? Thanks,John Answer I have found out that you can cancel post request this way,i missunderstand this documentation

How to Login with Google?

I am trying to implement a google oauth 2.0 login without using any libraries in my Node.js application. I have created an app on the Google API console with the redirect url as http://localhost:3000. During login my response_type is code which returns a one-time use code that needs to be exchanged with the token_endpoint as described here. The exchange is
