I started a MVC app which has a basic task to create 7 random numbers from 0 to 9 at positions between 1 and 7 inclusive (never starting with 0). At first the numbers are changed with “X” marks. When the user attempts to click on “Submit” button and if he managed to guess correctly one number on a given
Tag: asp.net-core
Razor Pages – Keep track of Date field on changes on screen
I Have a month selector to choose the month of some some bills, but I want to create auxiliar button to easy navigation to +1 and -1 month. When I do any kind of Post to my server side page, my DateTime is Reset to default value (01-01-0001) and I lost all track of the value, is there a correct
set a value of checkbox while loading data from database using ajax
I’m using asp core and ajax to load a data table. When I got the data from the database and the value of isAnswerRequired=true, so the checkbox should be ‘checked’, I used the ‘question mark conditional’ to change the value, but nothing happened. Please assist me in resolving the problem, I want the checkbox to be checked when the isAnswerRequired=true.
Passing Object from ASP.Net to javascript
I have an ASP.Net Core application. I have a Class with some attributes: and in PageModel of Index.cshtml, I am creating on object of that class and setting it is a property: Now, in my Index.cshtml, I have some default html and then I add a script like this: <script type=”module” src=”~/built/script.js”></script> Finally, my question: I need the data that
Change innerHtml of div according to value of model item in view .NET6 EF6 Razor Pages No MVC
Change innerHtml of div according to value of model item in view .NET6 EF6 Razor Pages No MVC I am trying to have a due date optional in a todo list. Since date fields are not nullable/required, I set the default due date to 09/09/9999. That date represents a todo that does not have a due date. What I want
Not allowed to load local resource: chrome-error://chromewebdata/favicon@2x.png chrome-error://chromewebdata/
I’m following PWA tutorial and the same way implemented offline storage. In addition to the specified error, I got the following warnings I have web manifest installed with content: I have these tags in my layout and corresponding images in specified folders. Answer I made a mistake in code. I forgot to call handler of respondWith: Correct:
Error in decoding photo URL from Facebook login that stored in JWT Token
I’m using ASP.Net Core Identity to store user info in JWT Token. I found that there is a problem with decoding the token that consists of Url Photo from Facebook. Here is the way I’m decoding the token with javascript: JSON.parse(atob(token.split(‘.’)[1])); and it results in the following error: Failed to execute ‘atob’ on ‘Window’: The string to be decoded is
Submit button not consistently firing
I have an asp.net core razor form with a submit button. When the user clicks ‘Update’, the form calls a JavaScript function to prompt the user if they are sure they want to complete the request. This functionality has been working, but starting last week, the form will occasionally not save despite the user confirming that they want to complete
How can i get formdata with .net core web api and vue.js
I am trying to write an announcement system. i am using vue 2 and net core 3.1. The announcement has a photo, title, and content. (The department id field is static for now.) I’m trying to send the announcement’s information with the photo in the formdata, but the api can only capture the photo. So where am I going wrong?
How can I disable other checkboxes(Dynamically Created) if I checked one?
How can I disable other checkbox if I clicked one I..e dynamically created checkbox using input type=checkbox Answer Try to use the following code: