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Tag: arrays

How to add 5 random numbers which are less than 10?

I’ve created two functions. One to create 5 random numbers to push them into an array. And another one to sum up the numbers. The random number generator is working and making an array perfectly. But the sum is not accurate. I’m unable to find where the problem is. Answer Because you are logging a different set of array values

Push object to array in mongodb nodejs [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question This is my mongodb collection. I want to push object to array with findOneAndUpdate(). This is my nodejs code. How can i do this? Answer

How to dynamically map an array within another array in React?

I’m building a table of content using React. I’m calling my database to fetch each array(which are always different depending on query). I would like to render each child array when I click on the parent item. Here’s conceptually what I want: Here’s my code: Right now, when I click on the parent the child appears on each parent key

Vue add new value to array

I am new to VUE and for one project I am trying to update an array passing the object. I have two button which is called BUTTON 1 and BUTTON 2. If you click on BUTTON 1 then it will set an object to list[] using this.$set. But when BUTTON 2 is pressed it should update with the new value
