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Tag: arrays

How to find index of ‘items_tolookfor’ array of items in another nested Array List ‘nested_data’ in javascript

How to find index of ‘items_tolookfor’ array of items in another nested Array List ‘nested_data’ in javascript How would I find indices for ‘items_tolookfor’ in the nested array list ‘nested_data’ Also, the corresponding data lies in the nested list ‘nested_data’ index[2][5] I was trying this code: Expected result to be a console log output array with matching data for items_to_look_for

The frontend receives an array as [object Object]

I am building a website with JavaScript, express.js, ejs and Node.js and i just ran into a problem. I am sending an array to the frontend this way: And getting it on the frontend with ejs this way: If i print the array on the frontend the result will be [object Object] and I also printed out typeof(‘<%= array %>’)

How do you check for a type in an array?

I need to tell the program to search an array(that’s meant to be only numbers) if it contains any element that’s a string. Also, the array is made up of the arguments to a function. Can someone please help? I’ve been trying to figure this out for at least an hour! This is what i did so far: Answer You’re
