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Tag: angular

Implement for-await-of statement in RxJS

I have the following statement: client.list() returns an async iterable iterator, and expects the use of for await…of to resolve the promises. I would like to incorporate the code into an existing rxjs pipe that instantiates the client. I looked everywhere and I couldn’t figure out how to do so without resolving the promise inside the pipe rather than converting

How to make NgbModal draggable with @angular/cdk

I have some difficulties with figuring out how to make my modals draggable. I have reusable modals with its own service which is called to create one inside components. confirm.modal.service.ts confirm.modal.module.ts confirm.modal.component.ts confirm.modal.component.html So I want to make the whole modal be draggable with Angular built-in DragDropModule, hence I should add cdkDrag inside element with class=’modal-content’ but I don’t how

Need help creating a dynamic navigation menu

I’m creating an app for wireframing apps. I’m working on a function for generating links from the data of the wireframed app which will consist on an unpredictable amount of sections within sections. The interface for the sections are shaped like this What I want to do is extract the title and link properties from each object and store it

Increasing the Width of the MatBottomSheet?

The following CSS increases the height but not the width: Anyone know how to increase the MatBottomSheet width? Stackblitz new window demo. Note that the demo has to run in a new window (Open in New Window) in order to see that the MatBottomSheet is not full view. Answer this is because you have mat-bottom-sheet-container-large applied to the same element
