How do we show or add on the table the mat progress bar? I want to show it below the table header as you can see on where the arrow on the screenshot points. I tried adding it below <th> but it is not showing. Any idea guys ? how do we implement this one ? Thanks. Dont worry about
Tag: angular-material
How to disable options from mat-select based on option selected?
I was working on a project involving mat-select. I have two mat-selects,there I want to do two things: When I select ‘all’ option in either of the mat-selects all the other options should get disabled. When I select an option in one mat-select,that option needs to get disabled in the other mat-select This is the stackblitz link of the project
Angular Material Mat-error Showing error for valid inputs, while validating with regex
Creating a signup form using angular material, It is displaying errors even if there is no error. For a valid input it is displaying the error Invalid Input. I’ve removed that mat-error condition the field is turning red while entering data. The status inside the control is showing the field is valid on submit. The error conditions are in in
date range logic computation (min current date)
Currently I have a mat date picker range. The logic is the min date on the calendar that the user can select is + 2 full days but exlude the counting of weekends for example If today is 25(July 25, 2022 ) then the current date([min]=”currentDate”) should be 28 which is thursday July 28, 2022. If today is 26(July 26,
Don’t show blank record on autocomplete in Angular
I have this autocomplete in Angular we use this filter function but issue is if i get those records also where Name is blank how should i remove that blank record from result. Answer You would need to add an additional check in the filter function, where you can check if Name property exist on object !!a.Name
how to implement angular table with reactive form
based on my html below , as you can see I have a table and then looped through mat cell using *matCellDef=”let model” , inside the cell there are input fields which are reactive forms (it has mat error checking ,formcontrolname etc). Each cell or row should have its own reactive form since each row has its own mat form
Angular MatStepper fails to recognize cached values from two str arrays (but successfully recognizes values from another str array)
I have a MatStepper that’s used to navigate to the next page of a signup flow. I also have a method that loads values from a cache if it’s available, and if so then the MatStepper skips to Page 2. After that, a future method pre-fills the form will those cached values. The scenario where cachedSports are retrieved causes the
How to Show only date icon in native HTML element?
Not sure whether it is possible to show only icon for input type date. as highlighted below, I’m trying to show datepicker in my Angular material table row (doing *ngFor)and trigger datetime when click on date icon. Don’t know what is the exact css to remove or hide input border,mm/dd/yyyy –:– — Not sure how it will behave if i
How to get current row HTML Table cell element?
I have a angular material table. If I click one row, i wanted to fetch the HTMLTableCellElement of the selected row . I tried using viewChild but the problem is i am getting whole table html element. Expected output Below is my code. Please Help me to acheive this scenario ! Answer There are two changes you can make
Why mat-option text is not rendering in view sometimes?
I have a form where there is a mat-select field. The mat-select field will show value even if the option doesn’t match the list of options. Please take a reference of this stackblitz example. In this example, on button click, I am adding a value in a form that doesn’t match with theJSON values. The same thing I have implemented