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Tag: android

Null check operator used on a null value in WebView flutter

please a error when I try to reload my webview from a button : E/flutter (18150): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: Null check operator used on a null value this is my WebView Answer enter code hereUse the fallback operator to set a default value for null values before using the variable. Here, “str” is null, and we set the fallback operator

How to navigate from splash screen to Onboarding Screens?

This is SplashScreen.js page I want to get the splash screen displayed and goes invisible by a timeout and then navigate to Onboarding Screen (sliding splash screens) Answer Try like this I set an alert when navigation happens for now. You can change it to redirect. In your App.js you need to have a stackNavigator setup like below which gives

TypeError: undefined is not an object(evaluating ‘_$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[9], “../../config/FIREBASE”).FIREBASE.database’)

I have installed Firebase with npm in Firebase, but I don’t know what happens with this error. File FIREBASE.js TambahKontak.js Answer You aren’t using the new Modular/Functional syntax which is included from version 9.0.0+. You would have to rewrite your code to follow the new syntax: If you want to use the existing code (with older syntax) then use compat

Parallax.js displays expected behavior on desktop and ios devices but not working on android devices

I implemented the tool as per the instructions at (also watched a YouTube tutorial on it before that). It works perfectly on desktop sites (and shows graceful degradation on iOS devices as expected). However, it does not display the parallax effect on Android devices even after I add the attribute and value data-android-fix=”false” to the relevant div element. What

My React Native App Had started in dark mode by default

When I created a new fresh React Native App, it started with dark mode. Previously my react native app would start with light/white background. I don’t know how to disable the mode. Please help me to disable the dark mode. Answer The latest React Native CLI app template uses the Theme.AppCompat.DayNight.NoActionBar Android theme (set in the AndroidManifest.xml and styles.xml), which

Render a new value into TextInput React Native

I’ve got a react native form with a button that should autofill some of the field based on some user’s information. The point is that even if I update the state variable related to a TextInput, the TextInput does not display such data. Here’s a short snippet for the sake of simplicity Following this example, if I clicked “Autocompile”, the
