I have simple “to-do” application written in JavaScript and HTML. I don’t even have CSS file, just have bit of in-line style in index.html file where I have linked my JavaScript file. No database or any other stuff needed. Simple app using vanilla JavaScript and HTML. I have AWS free tier account and tried zipping .js and .html files and
Tag: amazon-web-services
Format of S3 pre-signed URLs
I’m trying to create an S3 pre-signed URL in my JavaScript code using: After executing, my console log shows: The URL is https://myBucketName.s3.amazonaws.com/myAudioFile.mp3… but I think it should be showing: The URL is https://s3.amazonaws.com/myBucketName/myAudioFile.mp3… Why would it place the S3 bucket name before “s3.amazonaws.com” in the URL? In the past it was working fine using this method. Has the AWS
How to use the code returned from Cognito to get AWS credentials?
Right now, I’m struggling to understand AWS Cognito so maybe someone could help me out. I set a domain to serve Cognito’s hosted UI for my User Pool like what’s described here. So when I go to https://<my-domain>.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com/login?response_type=code&client_id=<MY_POOL_CLIENT_ID>&redirect_uri=https://localhost:8080 I get a login page where my users can login to my app with Google. That part is working great. I’m confused
MalformedXML: The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema
I am having this weird issue while working with AWS S3. I am working on application by which I can store the images to AWS bucket. Using Multer as middleware and S3FS library to connect and upload to AWS. But the following error pops up when I try uploading the content. “MalformedXML: The XML you provided was not well-formed or
AWS javascript SDK SES SendMail Illegal Address
I’m attempting to send mail using AWS SES. Here’s the error I’m seeing: Here’s the request object being passed in to SendMail method of AWS.SES for javascript SDK. bob@gmail.com is verified on my account (which is still in sandbox mode). donotreply@kudo.io is also verified on my account. Edit: I just tested it by using the test email option in SES
How do I put object to amazon s3 using presigned url?
I am trying to use signed url to upload images to s3 bucket. Following is my bucket policy: I am generating the signed url from the server as follows: I get the url. But when I try to put an object I get the following error: Update 1 Here is myuser’s policy: Update 2 I can upload only when following
How to copy/move all objects in Amazon S3 from one prefix to other using the AWS SDK for Node.js
How do I copy all objects from one prefix to other? I have tried all possible ways to copy all objects in one shot from one prefix to other, but the only way that seems to work is by looping over a list of objects and copying them one by one. This is really inefficient. If I have hundreds of
AWS S3 JavaScript SDK getSignedUrl returns base path only
I have some very simple code for generating an S3 URL. The URL I get back from the SDK only has the base path for S3. It doesn’t contain anything else. Why is this happening? Node.js v0.12.0, AWS SDK 2.1.15 or 2.1.17, Windows 7 64-bit, Answer The problem wasn’t with code. It turns out that when you don’t have your