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Tag: ajax

How to use same php function for different button clicks

Here is a simple PHP form with a button.. Here is the Jquery functions which executes a PHP file. And the test.php is as follows, My question is how to modify my test.php if I have multiple buttons. As an example, Result should be, Update: What If I need to run three different php functions(no any pattern)? Answer In here

Ajax GET Request inside ajax post request?

Is it possible to make an ajax request inside another ajax request? because I need some data from first ajax request to make the next ajax request. I tried to make a script, but i see that instead of GET, my request is POST and i dont know where is the problem.. Answer My code works perfectly, the real problem

AJAX Post Function without form Not Reset

Hello i’m kinda confused with ajax POST method, i try to make api request and since the respond have a similar parameter i make it as one global function so it can be use by my other html / js in other page, i know that the ajax post will make the function required to refreshed. but i don’t know

Search by post title wordpress without reflesh

I want to create wordpress search by title without refleshing page. New results have to be shown when more than 3 symbols are typed in search. I’ve got input with form: But when I’m typing – value of input is not changing. How can I search posts after typing 3 symbols if I cannot get input.value.length? Also how can I


I’m trying to create a simple web application form. It requires the user to input their information, and click submit which ideally would hit an api and store the information somewhere like dynamodb. I have this code which is returning a response error POST net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED For the life of me, I can’t figure out what’s wrong here… It references the
