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JavaScript onkeydown, return true,false

I am studying Javascript and I am at this simple code:Link, I understand this code but the only thing that I don’t understand is the return false. I tried return true, and even I deleted the return line, and looked at FireFox, Chrome, and IE, and three of them didn’t look like something happened so if some one can please

Set undefined javascript property before read

var tr={}; tr.SomeThing=’SomeThingElse’; console.log(tr.SomeThing); // SomeThingElse console.log(tr.Other); // undefined tr.get=function(what){ if (tr.hasOwnProperty(what)) return tr[what]; …

Copy prototype for inheritance?

I was playing around with JavaScript in particular simulating object oriented programming with classes and whatnot. I knew about this way of achieving inheritance But I wasn’t satisfied, I didn’t like how I needed to call the constructor of AnotherClass. So I was playing around and I came up with something that seemed to work and basically want a second

Change :hover CSS properties with JavaScript

How can JavaScript change CSS :hover properties? For example: HTML CSS How can the td :hover properties be modified to, say, background:#00ff00, with JavaScript? I know I could access the style background property using JavaScript with: But I don’t know of a .style JavaScript equivalent for :hover. Answer Pseudo classes like :hover never refer to an element, but to any

Does HTML5 localStorage maximum size include key names?

HTML5’s localStorage WebStorage has a maximum size of 5MB. Does this include the key names? For instance, if I were to use key names “quite-a-long-key-name-and-this-is-only-1” instead of “key1”, would I run out of space sooner? On a slightly related topic; is there any de-facto convention for naming localStorage keys? How are namespace collisions prevented when using third party JS scripts?
