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Bootstrap Dropdown with Hover

OK, so what I need is fairly straightforward. I have set up a navbar with some dropdown menus in it (using class=”dropdown-toggle” data-toggle=”dropdown”), and it works fine. The thing is it works “onClick”, while I would prefer if it worked “onHover”. Is there any built-in way to do this? Answer The easiest solution would be in CSS. Add something like…

How to accept MathML from Windows Math Input Panel?

The question How do i accept MathML? already explains how to handle output from Windows 7 and Windows 8 Math Input Panel using native Windows code. Is it possible to do the same with any web browser using just JavaScript (that is, no silverlight or any other plugin allowed)? I understand that the MathML input is on the clipboard but

Module not found error in node.js

I am new to node.js, this is my first node application so, please excuse me if I’m asking obvious question. I have a file called utils.js and I need to have functions defined in that file to be available in main.js. So I tried giving require(utils.js) But it is throwing me this error: My main.js is under c:demoprojsrcmainmain.js and utils.js

Determine if a word is a reserved Javascript identifier

Is it possible in Javascript to determine if a certain string is a reserved language keyword such as switch, if, function, etc.? What I would like to do is escaping reserved identifiers in dynamically generated code in a way that doesn’t break on browser-specific extensions. The only thought coming to my mind is using eval in a try-catch block and

JavasScript function undefined

i’ve got an html element declared as so: and the javascript function switchViews is declared post-html as such: when I click on the html element, i get thrown a JS error saying “Object Exepcted”, and in the google chrome script debugger it says that switchViews is undefined. Why would it think that switchViews is undefined and how would I go

Primefaces selectOneMenu displaying   when label is empty

For some reason selectOneMenu is showing   when selecting an option with an empty label. When first loading the page, it works fine, but if I select the blank option in my list, it displays   any idea what could be causing this? and how to fix it? Answer The problem has been resolved by the Primefaces team (actually it

Javascript equivalent of Python’s dict.setdefault?

In Python, for a dictionary d, sets d[‘key’] = value if ‘key’ was not in d, and otherwise leaves it as it is. Is there a clean, idiomatic way to do this on a Javascript object, or does it require an if statement? Answer It’s basically like using an if statement, but shorter: Or Update: as @bobtato noted, if the
