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Rendering random elements from an array in React

I am making a small react app with the help of Potter-API through which users can search for specific characters or spells. After fetching data from the API I am rendering 6 random items(characters/spells) which when clicked lead to a detailed view of the item(characters/spells), I’ve also added a button called randomize which when clicked renders a new set of

Negative lookahead RegEx limited to an exact number of characters

How can I limit a negative lookahead RegEx to an exact number of characters? For example, this sentence should be denied… This car is not that fast! while this one should be allowed… The car you are about to see may not be that fast, but it’s very beautiful! The RegEx should match any sentence that contains the word ‘car’,

Javascript function and expression function

This tiny Javascript program returns the sha256 hash of its text. Executed with Nodejs Erbium, it works as expected. However, after writing it I thought that the function expression was not needed and so I changed the data line with the following: stream.on(‘data’, shasum.update); And it crashes with a horrific error message: Javascript is very flexible with function calls, but

How can i write with for()

Can I write somehow with for() the months of the year, last year, and the after 3 years? Like 2019.januar, 2019.februar… etc, to 2023.december Answer Check out this code:

How can I adjust the window innerwidth according to the percentage?

I try to adjust the window.innerwidth according to percentage but I don’t know what to do. MY goal is depending on the size of window.innerwidth, change the backgroundcolor of html. window.innerwidth can’t use percentages when comparing? I tried like this. Answer “90%” isn’t a valid value for innerWidth property. I think you meant 90% of outerWidth. Try out the following
