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Category: Questions

How to combine all objects into one based on key

Here is the scenario I am looking at: I want to reduce these objects and I found a solution that adds their values: which results to: And now my problem is I don’t know yet how to work this around to have my expected output which if isRefund is true, it must be subtracted instead of being added, retain the

Hoverintent fails to hide div on hover

I hover on top of the div with the id=”navbar” and it just won’t seem to do anything. i have added this to my head code: my old code that worked Answer Im not familiar with hoverIntent, so this is a general observation. For over and out you are not passing a reference to a function, but rather the result

path broke when uploaded to server (link from js to html)

I programmed a webside and a bunch of it broke when I uploaded it onto the server (until now I only ever programmed locally and not very often at that) I fixed nearly everything but the links between pages. What works is the “a” element in html to link but most of my pages are linking to oneanother in their

bootstrap datepicker fixed at the top of the page

I’m making a form that has a date picker, I’m using bootstrap datepicker In addition, the main bootstrap field should be hidden, I have three of my own fields, when you click on any of them, the calendar should open, now everything works, the calendar opens, but is fixed at the top of the page. Can I make it open

Does react-native support jdk 17?

So I have been having some problems with launching the initial react-native template project on android. And after consulting someone I was told that jdk 17 is not supported. But I really don’t want to downgrade as this could break other things that I already have and work with. To be specific this is the error I get: I have

Adding onclick function in anchor tag which is not working [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed last year. Improve this question I am have made dropdown using bootstarap. I have added onlcick funtions in my anchor tags in dropdown. I just want make my text box readonly
