I understand this has been asked before but so far no answers except someone making a syntax mistake. I have verified this against every tutorial I’ve seen online and I can’t find the issue. It seems to be coming from the fullfilled extraReducer
import { createSlice, createAsyncThunk } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"; import axios from "axios"; const KEY = process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY const BASE_URL = process.env.REACT_APP_BASE_URL const GLOBALVIEWS_API = `${BASE_URL}/countrymap` const initialState = { mapdata:{}, status: 'idle', //'idle', 'loading', 'succeeded', 'failed' error:null } export const fetchMapData = createAsyncThunk( 'mapdata/fetchMapData', async (id) => { const response = await axios.get( GLOBALVIEWS_API, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-API-KEY': KEY, }, params: { titleId: id, } } ) return response.data.Item; } ) const mapSlice = createSlice({ name: 'mapdata', initialState, reducers:{ addMapData: (state, { payload }) => { state.mapdata = payload } }, extraReducers: { [fetchMapData.pending]: () => { console.log("Pending"); }, [fetchMapData.fulfilled]: (state, { payload }) => { state.status = 'succeeded' console.log("Succeeded", payload); return {...state, mapdata: payload} }, [fetchMapData.rejected]: () => { console.log("Rejected"); }, } }) // SELECTORS export const getMapStatus = (state) => state.mapdata.status; export const allMapData = (state) => state.mapdata.mapdata; export const { addMapData } = mapSlice.actions; export default mapSlice.reducer
In the component, nothing weird, and yes everything is imported
const {id} = useParams(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const allmapdata = useSelector(allMapData) const addmapdata = useSelector(addMapData) const mapStatus = useSelector(getMapStatus) useEffect(() => { dispatch(fetchMapData(id)) lazy(setMap(allmapdata)) console.clear() console.log("mapdata: ", allmapdata); }, [id, allmapdata, dispatch])
You can see in my image below that my fetch is successful and I am getting data. So how do I get rid of this error? Thanks in advance.
This is the issue:
state.status = 'succeeded' console.log("Succeeded", payload); return {...state, mapdata: payload}
That is indeed both a “mutation of the existing state
” and a “return of a new value”, and that’s exactly what the error is warning you about.
You can change that to:
state.status = 'succeeded' state.mapdata = action.payload