I have these vuetify table, this is how I configure the header
headers: [ { text: 'Name', align: 'start', sortable: false, value: 'name', width: '20%' }, { text: 'Link Count', value: 'count', width: '10%', sortable: true }, { text: 'URL', value: 'details', width: '50%' }, { text: 'Actions', value: 'id', width: '20%' } ]
<v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="items" :search="search"> ... <template v-slot:item.count="{ item }"> {{ item.details.length }} </template> ...
As you can see I have sortable: true
for Link Count column.
Some how it is not working…
How can I debug this further ?
By default, <v-data-table>
comes with a sortable functionality for all the columns. By your question what I understood if that by default you want count
column sorted in ascending/descending order when grid loads.
If Yes, You can achieve that by using external-sorting feature of data grid.
Working demo :
new Vue({ el: '#app', vuetify: new Vuetify(), data () { return { sortBy: 'count', sortDesc: false, headers: [ { text: 'Name', align: 'start', value: 'name', width: '20%' }, { text: 'Link Count', value: 'count', width: '10%' }, { text: 'URL', value: 'details', width: '50%' }, { text: 'Actions', value: 'id', width: '20%' } ], items: [ { name: 'Frozen Yogurt', count: 159, details: 'Detail 1', id: 24 }, { name: 'Ice cream sandwich', count: 237, details: 'Detail 2', id: 37 }, { name: 'Eclair', count: 262, details: 'Detail 3', id: 23 }, { name: 'Cupcake', count: 305, details: 'Detail 4', id: 67 } ], } } })
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.x/dist/vue.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/vuetify@2.6.4/dist/vuetify.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/vuetify@2.6.4/dist/vuetify.min.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@mdi/font@6.x/css/materialdesignicons.min.css"/> <div id="app"> <v-app id="inspire"> <div> <v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="items" :sort-by.sync="sortBy" :sort-desc.sync="sortDesc" class="elevation-1" ></v-data-table> </div> </div> </v-app> </div>
Please let me know if my understanding is not correct or any further changes required as per the requirement.