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Tag: xlsx

How to set column width of XLSX worksheet in angular4

I am Converting HTML to XLSX sheet in angular using SheetJS. But the width of each column is 256 only, I want to increase it I have tried using ws[!cols] of ColInfo but not able to correctly implement it or set it ‘wch’ & ‘width’ I want to provide custom width for each column in generated excel, currently, I have

How to export an HTML table as a .xlsx file

I have a question about exporting an HTML table as an xlsx file. I did some work and now I can export it as an xls, but I need to export it as an xlsx. Here is my jsFiddle: Here is my HTML: Here is my JavaScript code: Answer You won’t be able to export it as XLSX without

How to save .xlsx data to file as a blob

I have a similar question to this question(Javascript: Exporting large text/csv file crashes Google Chrome): I am trying to save the data created by excelbuilder.js’s EB.createFile() function. If I put the file data as the href attribute value of a link, it works. However, when data is big, it crashes Chrome browser. Code are like this: My code to create

Parse XLSX with Node and create json

Ok so I found this really well documented node_module called js-xlsx Question: How can I parse an xlsx to output json? Here is what the excel sheet looks like: In the end the json should look like this: index.js: Answer Improved Version of “Josh Marinacci” answer , it will read beyond Z column (i.e. AA1).

How to set cell width when export .xlsx files with js-xlsx

I am trying to set a fixed column/cell width to my exported excel files with js-xlsx. EDIT: Here is the source of js-xlsx: Answer I found a snippet the the write test here For quick reference, where ws is your worksheet.
