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Tag: wordpress-theming

WordPress featured image on hover – jQuery.Deferred exception: hrefValue is not defined

I’m trying to make website which shows posts featured image on link hover. Example: So I started to learn basic jQuery and php and I tried to achieve that by using get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id); function which return image basing on post id. To get id I used url_to_postid(); Wordpress function. As it states it: “Examine a URL and try to determine the

WordPress JavaScript

I’m trying to achieve a custom option inside the “Publish Metabox” in WordPress admin custom post. And I want to know is there any native way to do expand/collapse divs (Check the below screenshot). I wonder how WordPress itself achieves it like the below screenshot? (Maybe match the IDs like bootstrap JS libraries do ?). Answer And I want to

The block “yoast-seo/related-links”

I have received this error on the console but I have not found details on google … what is wrong? should this script be used? And for what purpose? Does this blockage affect other aspects of the site? console error message name file>>> blocks.min.js Answer First Back up the extension and database right after the SEO extension should be removed,
