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Tag: websocket

How to add rooms in Node.js with

I have been following up many articles to learn making chat application with Node.js and Everything is clear and I can make an application moving messages from client to server and emitting to all etc but only one thing is not clearing and cannot figure this out. How can I add rooms to What is the code to

File API – Blob to JSON

I’m trying to do some experiment with HTML5, WebSocket and File API. I’m using the Tomcat7 WebSocket implementation. I’m able to send and received text messages from the servlet. What I want to do now is to send from the servlet to the client JSON objects, but I want to avoid text message in order to skip the JSON.parse (or

Sending websocket ping/pong frame from browser

I keep reading about ping/pong messages in websockets to keep the connection alive, but I’m not sure what they are. Is it a distinct frame type? (I don’t see any methods on a javascript WebSocket object in chrome related to ping-pong). Or is it just a design pattern (e.g. I literally send “ping” or any other string to the server

Multiple websocket connections

Is there any advantages of having two distinct websocket connections to the same server from the same client? To me this seems a bad design choice, but is there any reason why/where it should work out better? Answer There are several reasons why you might want to do that but they probably aren’t too common (at least not yet): You

Cross-domain connection in Socket.IO

Is it possible to use Socket.IO in a cross domain manner? If so, how? The possibility is mentioned around the web but no code examples are given anywhere. Answer Quoting the FAQ: Does Socket.IO support cross-domain connections? Absolutely, on every browser! As to how it does it: Native WebSockets are cross-domain by design, serves a flash policy file

Is it possible to connect to SSH using JavaScript?

I know there is an implementation of VNC using WebSockets ( but that still requires a server. I am looking to create a simple client-side JavaScript only (no Flash) connection to a port running SSH. I am guessing WebSockets is the only way to go since it does TCP. Any example code? Any other way? Answer Sorry, given your constraints
