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Tag: web3js

calling smart contracts methods using web3 ethereum

Trying to work around the blockchain using Ethereum, I’m facing problems when trying to interface with a deployed contract. What I would try to achieve is to call a method to display information added to a private blockchain deployed locally using Geth. I can’t call any function from my smart contract and I’ve been wondering if I’m doing something wrong…

How to send an ERC20 token with web3js

I’m currently using the 0.2x.x version of the Web3 JavaScript API. I deployed my custom ERC20 token by creating smart contract in solidity (on REMIX IDE). I installed the MetaMask and had a test on to send some custom ERC token to another my account. It worked well. I want to add the ‘send custom ERC20 Token’ function in

Solidity Function Modifying Value Failing

Using Truffle Development framework (web3, react, and solidity) to test a simple smart contract. I have a basic function I am testing when I press a button on the UI, but it doesn’t seem to be working the way I’d expect it. I expect the contract to increment the value and return true. Note, that the value is later being
