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Tag: warnings

Display yellow warning message in console

I want to show a warning message in the Chrome console, like the highlighted item in this screenshot: console.log(message) displays a normal white message. console.error(message) creates an error message. But using console.warning(message) returns Uncaught TypeError: console.warning is not a function. So is there any way to present a console warning for JavaScript? It should be like this: But it doesn’t

(PERCY) Warning: skipping visual tests. PERCY_TOKEN was not provided

I’m getting this error below everytime I try to run ‘npx percy exec — node snapshots.js’. PowerShell Terminal Problem Image -> I have followed this Tutorial -> Anyone know how to solve this? I looked everywhere and found nothing. Thank you in advance! Answer PowerShell has a different syntax for working with Environment Variables. Try this: Powershell Help
