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Tag: vuejs3

VueJS 3 – substr / truncation in template / v-for?

I’m pretty new to VueJS and have an understanding problem i couldn’t find any help for. Its pretty simple: I’m getting a JSON through an API with axios. This item contains a description that I want to output on the page. My code looks something like this: It works fine so far. The problem is that the item.description has too

Vue3 use v-model in Child Components

I just found out that in Vue3, v-model is not working responsively / reactively with child Component. This code will update the username data If I type something in the input, the username data will change too. But, when I use Component like this example: Then I updated my code to use the Component. Note: The Component is registered successfully.

Vue + Typescript – Import errors with class based decorators

I’m trying to set up Vue 3 with TypeScript and class-based components. However, I keep getting on error on importing the Component decorator the Vue constructor: mycode.vue: Answer You might be trying to use the example from the official vue-class-component docs, but that’s currently for the 7x version, which can only be used with Vue 2. Vue 3 requires vue-class-component
