Im trying to access my data in a method I am writing, but it does not seem to work. I get an TS2339 Typescript error saying that the property does not exist in the type. Here is the code for the component: Answer to get types inference you should create component instance using defineComponent imported from vue:
Tag: vuejs3
In Vue3 composition API make the watcher work immediately
Using Vue3 composition API. How do I make watched to work immediately. The following code doesn’t work. Answer It should placed as option : or
Data injection on siblings and parent components fail – vue3
Dear friends of the modern lightweight web, I hope you can help a noobie regarding vue3. I share timetable detail between multiple child components and display the best five and the worst five-time wasters as one example. One of the components is intended to add new time data to the components. With an @click=”$emit” functionality. Unfortunately, it is not affecting
Vuejs 3 webpack : Problem with vue-template-compiler
I am trying to integrate vuejs 3 to an existing project which uses webpack. I read about vue-loader, so I am trying to use it. In the official documentation I have this: Every time a new version of vue is released, a corresponding version of vue-template-compiler is released together. The compiler’s version must be in sync with the base vue
VueJS 3 – substr / truncation in template / v-for?
I’m pretty new to VueJS and have an understanding problem i couldn’t find any help for. Its pretty simple: I’m getting a JSON through an API with axios. This item contains a description that I want to output on the page. My code looks something like this: It works fine so far. The problem is that the item.description has too
Vue3 use v-model in Child Components
I just found out that in Vue3, v-model is not working responsively / reactively with child Component. This code will update the username data If I type something in the input, the username data will change too. But, when I use Component like this example: Then I updated my code to use the Component. Note: The Component is registered successfully.
Vue 3 setup reactive fetch with async json
I’ve installed Vue 3 and want to populate a reactive object with fetch from a JSON API. My component looks like below. I don’t get any errors but I don’t get any results either. I expected to get a number on the screen because that’s what’s in total in the JSON file. On state.test If I only output state.test I
Use Vue.js 3 fragments with render function
How should I use Vue 3 fragments with render functions? shouldn’t the following code work? Answer Yes that syntax is correct for defining fragments in render functions : this is equivalent to : LIVE DEMO
How to correctly use Vue 3 composition-api across multiple Vue instances in multiple files
tl;dr What is the correct way to import Vue3 in a base js file, then use Vue’s composition-api in other standalone js files that will be loaded after that base file? I am using Vue to enhance user experience in specific pages. For example, in register page to perform ajax requests and show server errors without page reloads. In short,
Vue + Typescript – Import errors with class based decorators
I’m trying to set up Vue 3 with TypeScript and class-based components. However, I keep getting on error on importing the Component decorator the Vue constructor: mycode.vue: Answer You might be trying to use the example from the official vue-class-component docs, but that’s currently for the 7x version, which can only be used with Vue 2. Vue 3 requires vue-class-component