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Tag: vuejs2

Read file inside current directory using Vue

I’m trying to get text file data located in the same directory where my .vue file is. But it’s not returning the text on both chrome and firefox. Instead it’s returning following response, which is not the content of my text file. Following is my vue file. Contents of hello.txt are following. Answer I assume you’re using Webpack, since you

Vue.js Note that mounted does not guarantee that all child components have also been mounted?

Can someone please explain notice below from VUE doc ? Note that mounted does not guarantee that all child components have also been mounted. I have tested mounting children and subchildren but both are always mounted before root/app component, so it is safe to use “mounted” without $nextTick to access DOM. Children and subchildren components can access DOM element

Cannot set property ‘innerHTML’ of null”, Vue

I have two components for editing JSON objects. And i have a button that switches between these two. Here is the html code: //Javascript code Start value for showJsonEditor = true, showTextEditor = false gives me the error: Cannot set property ‘innerHTML’ of null”, Vue i tried setting the the code like below No error is shown but also no

Cannot call a function inside mounted()

I have a chat API that I’m connecting to a Vue.js project. When user goes to a chat room page, it sends an ajax request and then calls the function that fetches the whole chat history: but it fails with: TypeError: _this.fetchChatSessionHistory is not a function I understand that it might be defined at a wrong place but I have

Vue filter array A by array B

I have a table with data from a rest API. The table has objects with unique ids and I have a group filter with unique group ids. The group id does not appear in the table, therefore I have to create an array which only contains the ids of the table objects. Every time the group changes the array will

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot set property ‘playerName’ of undefined at eval

I’m trying to assign from my GET request to my playerName property, however, I am getting an error “Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot set property ‘playerName’ of undefined at eval”. I am successfully console logging so there is a displayName in it. Why am I getting this error? Answer Other comments and answers are correct – using an

access method outside vue component

i am new in vuejs. i have created comment feature similar with here, but due to certain circumstances i have to improvise it. i use vue component but it couldn’t access method inside my vue. if user has already post comment, any user may be able to reply that particular comment. however, i received vue warn “Property or method ‘replyComment’

Observe to some event from another component in Vue

I have two components: These components have the following interface: First component is a button. I will see a modal dialog when I click on it. The modal contains an Ajax form: Second component is a table. You already saw it on the first picture So, I would like to rerender the table component after sending the form without page
