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Tag: video.js

Expand volume level by default

I would like the volume level element to be expanded from the beginning, without mouse cursor hovering. I am about this element that is hidden by default: I didn’t find any built-in option for it (strange enough). I’ve been trying to solve it with CSS, but without success. There is a demo of problem in action that I’ve created for

Conditional import in Vue component

I have a root instance that has several CustomVideo-components in it (amongst a bunch of other components). The CustomVideo-component implements VideoJS, but it’s not on all pages that there is a CustomVideo-component, so I don’t want to import VideoJS globally. Here is an example of components on a page: In the top of CustomVideo, I import VideoJS, like so: But

Video.js changing source, but does not show new source

Sorry for my lack of knowledge on this topic I have a script that changes the source of the video player. And it does just that. The only problem is that the Video.js player plays the first source assigned to it. So if there were two buttons, and you clicked Button 1 it would change the source of the player
