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Tag: vercel

Vercel CLI issue with localhost

I have installed Vercel CLI to test a serverless function locally. The repository is this: With vercel dev I started the localhost server but there is a problem. The homepage (index.html) is loaded correctly but when I go to http://localhost:3000/api or http://localhost:3000/api/index.js an error appears. image-error The entire error message that appears in the console is this: In the

NextJS cannot recognize TypeScript files

I want to develop my website using TypeScript not a JS. So I followed NextJS’s official to install TS from scratch, but when I run npm run dev, 404 Error page greeting me. OK below is my tsconfig.json Hmm, nothing seems to be wrong I think 🙁 And then next is package.json. Hmm, what’s wrong with my codes? When I
