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Tag: typescript

React state resets when calling an async function

I’m trying to display a loader in react then execute an async function and then removing the loader but seems like the loader disappears as soon as the function starts executing. Here’s a sample code: [Edit] Here is a simplified version of my someAsyncFunction: It is evident that someAsyncFunction does return resolve the Promise and no sooner as it executes

api endpoint progress loading

How do create a progress loader that is based on the uploadFile method/service , for example on the method below it should show keep loading unless the uploadFile is success , what is needed to and to be considered? should a finalize(() be added ? Thanks. #html code #tscode Answer You can have a flag called uploadInProgress and set that

Spread Operator – TypeScript

I’m trying to pass an array as an argument with Spread operator but something is going wrong. Answer For TypeScript to correctly predict what argument types are going to spread into the parameter, you will have to change the args variable type into a tuple as follows:

Do these two snippets return the same value?

I’m not sure how to title this question, but it’s concerning a pattern where the || operator is used to resolve a sequence of undefined values to the first defined one. Are these equivalent? and Answer Both of the code snippets do the same thing, as the || and return is simply doing the same thing as returning from the

ViewChild is undefined in angular 13

I am trying to call view child of a child component from parent and getting undefined in the console. see the image also see the stack blaze for the same Please help to get the child component this.testChildComponent So that i can call ngOnInit of child from parent. this.testChildComponent.ngOnInit() Answer if you set your viewChild { static: true }

Filter Array Javascript/typescript

I have an array that needs to be filtered with specific condition If any value has -backup has suffix then it should take that and it should avoid the one without backup . Here fghij-backup has value with backup so that is the priority. If the value doesnt have backup has suffix then it should take it has priority eg:qrstuv

Typescript dynamically infer type from object

I have a JS Object with React components, indexed by ID. I would like to have a ModalEntity type which results in this: My problem is, I want the type to be dynamically generated from the MODAL_ENTITIES object, since I want the process of adding a modal to be as effortlessly as possible. Is there a way to define this
