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Tag: toggle

Toggle Icon on Button click React

I am trying to toggle the button icon when clicked in React app. I looked into the console, the value of “togglePassword” is changing on click but the button icon is not changing… How to correct this out? Here is my code… The other method I tried is as below but the console gave me the following error when I

React.js implement menu [highlight active link]

The following React.js code renders a navbar with two links named ‘about’ and ‘project’. On page load the ‘about’ link is active and colored red. When the other link is clicked the state of the navbar is set to ‘project’, ‘about’ link style is set back, and ‘project’ is colored red. I achieve this by attaching a click handler to

Remove class on collapse (jquery)

I tried looking for an answer, but none of it has solved my problem yet. I am a beginner in learning to understand this code language and I think that my problem lies there. I have created a JSFiddle with what I have up until now. (! This is my problem: When the div expands, it adds the class ‘selected’,

Toggle visibility property of div

I have an HTML 5 video in a div. I then have a custom play button – that works fine. And I have the video’s visibility set to hidden on load and visible when the play button is clicked, how do I return it to hidden when the play button is clicked again? I’m basically just trying to toggle it

How to toggle a boolean?

Is there a really easy way to toggle a boolean value in javascript? So far, the best I’ve got outside of writing a custom function is the ternary: Answer This holds true in most languages.
