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Tag: three.js

How to access a variable outside a subfunction in javascript

I have the following function that uses a GLTF loader to load a model into the scene (imported from another class): And I call that function from another class like this, wanting to push to the players array (meant to keep the players meshes) the gltf.scene mesh returned from the CreateMesh function. My problem is that I cannot access that

three.js over cdn using svelte or react

Is there any way of building my svelte or react application in a way, that the three.js module (which I usually import using npm) will be declared as a script tag which will call the module from a CDN? I would like to keep the advantages of a framework but also be able to reduce my final bundle size, since

Three.js Zoom-to-Fit with offset

I’m trying to come up with a zoom-to-fit function that ensures that a list of points are perfectly fit into the drawing area, while also adding configurable offsets on all sides of the image. I.e. zoom-to-fit an area of the frame rather than the whole viewer area: (note that the offsets in this image are not accurate) I’m using a

Three.js webglrenderer.render issue

I’m developing a site with three.js and Nuxt.js. When i try to use the EffectComposer, the console give me a lot of warnings like this: three.webglrenderer.render(): the rendertarget argument has been removed. use .setrendertarget() instead. In my case, I understand that it’s an issue with the newest versions of three.js, because if I use an earlier version of three.js(101) it’s

Import camera from gltf

How to do I use camera from gltf in three-js? I am using the gltf loader as show in this example Answer As mentioned in the documentation, you extract the camera from the gltf.cameras array. It’s an array since it’s possible to export multiple cameras to glTF. You normally want to assign the camera to a variable which is declared

Setting the position of a text geometry?

I have looked through stack overflow and google and I have found how to CENTER a text geometry but that is not what I want to do. I have a scene that just has a block of text that says “Buy Here!”. Using the documentation in the three.js website and examples here I was able to do that after some
