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Tag: tensorflow

How can I bring a HTML Image to the backend?

I have a middleware: which logs me (image): my API-Call in the backend looks like: it logs me: Answer First of all, you are doing a GET request. You can’t post data to a /GET endpoint. You need a /POST. Secondly, req.query is an object of key-value pairs of query parameters, which in your case is rightfully empty. So I

what’s up with tensorflow.js MNIST example nextbatch implementation?

While taking inspiration from the tensorflow.js Handwritten digit recognition with CNNs tutorial, I stumbled upon the following implementation of the nextBatch function in mnist_data.js: I understood the point of this function was selecting the images and the corresponding label. The problem with the provided implementation is that is correctly selecting the corresponding label but also other NUM_CLASSES-1 (10 elements in
