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Tag: sweetalert

SweetAlert2 disallow outside click after confirm

I want to create an alert similar to the ajax-example, but allowing outside click dismiss before confirming. After the user clicks confirm I would like to disallow outside click until the operation is finished. Setting the config variable allowOutsideClick to false like in the example will never allow outside click and I don’t see a valid method in the docs

Sweetalert2 redirection

I’m struggling with this for a few hours already and I think that the solution is very simple. First a bit of background. So, I have a php page where I can enter a number in a texfield. If the number entered is higher than the credit the user has, then I have to show an error message. When the

SweetAlert showLoaderOnConfirm not displaying

i am using sweetalert to display delete confirmation,and process it later while displayin a loading action,though it is not working,thi is the code,that doesn’t work (it is supposed to display a loading animation,but it actually is not doing so) any thoughts ? This the javascript Html this is the fiddle Answer I assume your include files are wrong (old for

SweetAlert prompt with two input fields

Currently working on a personal project. I want the user to click a button and a SweetAlert prompt would be presented for the user to verify their credential. However, the code I see on the SweetAlert website only allows one input field. Here is the code I have: So, is there a way I can get two input fields? One
