is the official example of SvelteKit. is the codebase for this official example. I am trying to generate a static site so I can host this on google firebase. I updated config as content of file svelte.config.js is Content of file src/routes/+layout.server.js is When I am trying to build using command npm run build I am getting error
Tag: sveltekit
window is not defined in svelte – using svelte store
I have a svelte store that has the following code Edit I have accessed the store by the following code Then checked the state by $modalState and the accessed the function by modalStore.openModal(); It throws 500 error with – window is not defined How can I solve it? Answer The problem is that onDestroy gets executed on the server. So
How to return a derived function that use fetched data from db based on value of another writable value in svelte/svelte kit?
I am trying to get my language table’s data from db in store.js and modify that data based on the language user selected. So the selected language is a writable variable and I need to get a derived function that returns the modified data. Here is my code in store.js Here is the code in my +page.svelte I am getting
Calling array object in src does not work
I have an array : I am looping in it: This here does not work: src={icon} Correct way should be like this: If I replace the {icon} with string it works! Can someone tell me why? Thank you Answer The reason this doesn’t work is because <Icon src=”xxx” /> does not expect a string but an object. If you import
Toggle localstorage item in Svelte
new to Svelte so excuse the little knowledge. I am attempting to save a localStorage item on:click and toggle it when clicked again. Currently, the item is added to localStorage but on a second click, it is not removed. If you refresh the page and click the item is removed but I would like this not to be necessary. Onclick
Svelte SPA Router – Invalid component object error
I’m using SvelteKit and svelte-spa-router. My file structure looks like the following: __layout.svelte: (As per the example in the link above.) Error: Console: If I remove <Router {routes} /> and use <slot></slot>, everything works fine. The only thing I managed to find about this error was this GitHub source code of Router.svelte (line #301), but it didn’t help much. I
How can I get the access of a const inside my function?
How can I grant access to my const to be used inside a function? In this case I want to access my const catName inside my function fetchListings. I’m getting this error: Question Updated: Answer The problem you are running into is coming from how the <script context=”module”> works. The module level script tag serves as a one-time-per-app setup script.