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Tag: stripe-payments

How to access items metadata in Stripe checkout session

When I create a Checkout session, I am creating prices on the fly with price_data and product_data properties. For each item, I am putting metadata in the product_data.metadata property. After payment is successfully finished, I fetch the session data in order to display Payment Successful page to the customer. But for some reason, metadata of the items are empty. Metadata


I’m getting error function redirectToCheckout doesn’t exist. But when I try adding stripe in script tag. It displays this error. This error is happening on stripe script tag in index.html. But even after adding this script tag redrirectToCheckoutout is not a function error still exists. ERROR Index.html Server.js Api.js Answer On the parcel GitHub repo there is an issue describing

multiple addEventListener on submit for the same form

My stripe checkout page i have a section in the from for billing information using html (none stripe form) when a user submits the form, this ajax is fired, to validate the billing information section (name, email etc) if the form is valid, the input value is changed from false to success now if the validation is successful, i have

performing select query inside checkout function

I have this function with the following code below: I’m basically checking how much the user owes to me, and then redirecting to checkout. However, it is totally skipping over the query and not logging anything, and then throwing the error that no price is defined. This is because I am trying to set the price after I query my
