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Tag: sql

performing select query inside checkout function

I have this function with the following code below: I’m basically checking how much the user owes to me, and then redirecting to checkout. However, it is totally skipping over the query and not logging anything, and then throwing the error that no price is defined. This is because I am trying to set the price after I query my

node js sql output

I am trying to come up with the node.js code to get the output of this query: The problem is that when I use it without the connection.escape(), I get the output, but with single quotes like this: How can I (1) get rid of the (index) column, and (2) get rid of the single quotes? Getting rid of the

Not return nested objects

I hav a problem with typeorm, I ahve na queryBuilder like below: why this query return me this data: instead of this: i need to return nested object instead of using alias, can someone tell me how to do this with using queryBuilder? thanks for any help! Answer You have to use getOne not getRawOne.

Javascript won’t work properly with my form

So I am currently doing a project for our class, in which I have to display something that I previously stored in a database on a separate page. I chose to display every dataset, as it is the easiest to do. With PHP I implemented a foreach loop which is supposed to show each dataset with a button “EDIT” underneath

Inserting parameters of stored procedure into a table using Merge in snowflake

I am trying to insert the parameter values of a stored procedure into the table using merge function in sql. The parameters consists of DB and schema name. I have written a stored procedure for that but, I don’t understand where I’m doing wrong. Here is my attempt: Answer You can use binds: See for more info.
