Summary of my application: Input: Have the user speak to the computer (ask the computer “What is your name?”) ✅ Perform a regular expression on the ‘transcript’ result (from webkitSpeechRecognition) ❌ Output: console.log(“My name is Harry Johnson”). ❌ I’m trying to perform a regular expression on a speech recognition transcript, as follows: The above works fine and I am able
Tag: speech-recognition
Cannot find microphone “allow” button in Opera browser
According to caniuse, Opera supports the Speech Recognition API. However, when attempting to view a simple example, I cannot find the “allow” button alluded to upon click of the microphone icon. In Chrome, the allow microphone dialog immediately pops up when the microphone icon is first clicked. I’m testing on a clean install of Opera 39/Mac. Answer Like HiDeo said,
Dragon NaturallySpeaking software not calling onAfterChange event
I am unable to get Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 to fire an onkeyup event in JavaScript that works fine when a user types into the textbox. Does this software act differently than a keyboard copying and pasting text into a focused textbox? Answer Dragon dictation changes the text by sending messages (i.e., EM_REPLACESEL or WM_SETTEXT) instead of triggering keyboard events (i.e.,