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Tag: speech-recognition

How to perform regular expressions on a Speech Recognition transcript?

Summary of my application: Input: Have the user speak to the computer (ask the computer “What is your name?”) ✅ Perform a regular expression on the ‘transcript’ result (from webkitSpeechRecognition) ❌ Output: console.log(“My name is Harry Johnson”). ❌ I’m trying to perform a regular expression on a speech recognition transcript, as follows: The above works fine and I am able

Dragon NaturallySpeaking software not calling onAfterChange event

I am unable to get Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 to fire an onkeyup event in JavaScript that works fine when a user types into the textbox. Does this software act differently than a keyboard copying and pasting text into a focused textbox? Answer Dragon dictation changes the text by sending messages (i.e., EM_REPLACESEL or WM_SETTEXT) instead of triggering keyboard events (i.e.,
