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Tag: solidity

Uncaught (in promise) Error: invalid address

how to fix this error when i call a smart contract function? it’s my code: Answer The Problem The error shows that you didn’t set the address property correctly, it’s may be the issue with your solidity implementation and it’s not related to javascript snippet, as mentioned in the comments, you can ask about it on related sites, but there

Supply ETH to Aave through solidity

I’m trying deposit into Aave V2 Contract Aave’s Code Examples I have code which consumes this like so: When attempting to supply, Metamask displays an error: ALERT: Transaction Error. Exception thrown in contract code. And just a simple button to call it in html: I’m running ganache ganache-cli –fork{{MyProjectId}} The only error I see in the console is: Transaction:

Importing ethers via Hardhat fails despite official testing documentation

According to the official testing documentation for Hardhat, ethers should be available implicitly within the global scope; however, it can optionally be required explicitly, like so: This fails for my local project. My package manifest seems to include the correct dependencies: My unit tests file seems to match the worked example in the Hardhat documentation also: Despite this, running the

Unable to deploy Solidity contract to Rinkeby network (Invalid asm.js: Invalid member of stdlib)

I’ve been learning Solidity using this course by Stephen Grider and it’s been going well until now, where I am trying to deploy my code to the Rinkeby test network. For reference, I am using Node version 11.15.0 with npm version 6.7.0 with these dependencies: I have spent hours switching between versions of Node.js, npm, and all sorts of combinations

Call Function From Solidity With Web3

I am having trouble calling a simple function from my solidity contract. Here’s how the code is structured so far: In my web3Api.js file I have: Then in my projectApi.js file I have: Note: When I call the global variable throughout this file it successfully returns all my contract’s functions So this next part is where I’m running into trouble.

Solidity Function Modifying Value Failing

Using Truffle Development framework (web3, react, and solidity) to test a simple smart contract. I have a basic function I am testing when I press a button on the UI, but it doesn’t seem to be working the way I’d expect it. I expect the contract to increment the value and return true. Note, that the value is later being
