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Tag: service-worker-events

Should I return a promise in a JS Service Worker onFetch callback function if I don’t want to do anything with the original request?

My scenario is the following: I have a Progressive Web App that uses a Service Worker where I need to catch the request and do something with it every time the user requests a resource or leaves the current URL I’m handling that through adding a callback to the fetch event of the worker I only care about requested resources

Firefox: Service Worker: SecurityError: DOMException: The Operation is insecure

In app.js, I am checking the serviceWorker existence in navigator object and if available then registering the SW. When trying to register SW, I receive the below error in Firefox. I also made sure the service-worker.js file is under src directory. Checking my about:config in Firefox (version 59.0.2) I had service worker and storage api enabled. So that shouldn’t be
