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Tag: serialization

Serialized and deserialize HTML style tag with CSS

What I’m trying to do: Save/copy HTML snippet in one place, paste it in another place and have it de-serealized into an analogous DOM How do I do serialization now Call element.outerHTML on a container element I’ve also tried using new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(element) with the same result The issue When I serialize style nodes that contain the css like: They actually

What is data serialization?

First of all, I couldn’t get clear definition of it from WikiPedia or even from serialize function in the PHP manual. I need to know some cases where we need the term serialization and how things are going without it? In other words, Where you need serialization and without it your code will be missing some important feature. Answer What

How to stringify event object?

JSON.stringify(eventObject); gives: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON dojox.json.ref.toJson(eventObject); gives: TypeError: Accessing selectionEnd on an input element that cannot have a selection. Is there some library/code ready to use to accomplish it ? Answer You won’t be able to serialize an event object with JSON.stringify, because an event object contains references to DOM nodes, and the DOM has circular references
