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Tag: redirect

detecting a redirect with javascript – how?

Is there any way to detect whether a webpage is going to redirect me to another, knowing its URL? I mean the situation when you type URL in a text field and the script examines it for 3xx redirections. Answer Yes, you can do this quite easily in Javascript. It’d look something like: Unfortunately, this only works on your own

How to redirect to home page

How can I redirect a user to home page? Example: mywebsite.example/ddfdf/fdfdsf and I want to redirect to mywebsite.example However I want to do it without typing the static name. How can I do this? Answer

PHP Redirection with Post Parameters

I have a webpage. This webpage redirects the user to another webpage, more or less the following way: Well, you see, what I do is transferring the GET params into POST params. Do not tell me it is bad, I know that myself, and it is not exactly what I really do, what is important is that I collect data
