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Tag: reactjs

Why am I getting undefined prop?

Below is my Header component in react: I have used ContextAPI for efficient state Management.CryptoState is used for this purpose.I have imported the state in Header and getting the necessary props using object-destructuring. Below is my Context-file: I am getting this error in Header component:Header.js:8 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot destructure property ‘currency’ of ‘(0 , _CryptoContext__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CryptoState)(…)’ as it is undefined. Answer

NextJS render content from a different page

I’ve two routes like, app/products => pages/products/index.js app/products/1 => pages/products/[page].js Here both app/products and app/product/1 will render the same content (same product items), is it possible to render app/products/1 content in app/products without writing duplicate code? I could find anything similar in their documentation. Thanks. Answer The easiest way is to abstract the content from the page level. No need

How to stop flickering of modal on event change

I’m a little stuck on this problem, I need to identify why it happening and how we can solve it. The issue is that I have s nested array of Questions and I’m showing up the Modal onClick when the user hits the option and the Modal shows the Sub questions in the Modal. that are nested into questions items

Update state object with multiple keys using input id

my state looks like this: const [options, setOptions] = useState({ numbers: false, animals: false, greetings: false, food: false, colors: false, other: true }) and I’m trying to update a single boolean based on a checkbox. At first I used a switch statement like so: but I think as I add more options, I’ll want something cleaner, I was hoping something

How to pass as a props an array of String and JSX with NextJs?

i passed as a props an array of strings an JSX but there is an error message “Missing “key” prop for element in arrayeslintreact/jsx-key ” I’m doing all of that to just try to color the text “Trusted” with different colors and not change the div dynamic Answer You’re passing your props in correctly, it’s the react/jsx-key ESLint rule that’s

React API not showing the data

I am not able to retrieve content from API every time I reload my page it shows error, please see the attached image, I wanted to find the weather details using Weather API and right now I am using static latitude and longitude. Answer The problem with your code is that you’re trying to render {weatherData2.current.temp} before the data
