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Tag: reactjs

Nested Query GraphQl

I am new using graphql and I would like to know how could I filter my query to get the recipes that has some of the ingredient objects I have in my input array. this is the schema.gql file this recipe schema has 1 respective service and the respective Query resolvers the main idea here is just to have one

React render DOM HTML page in component

In my React app, I am using the standard component. However, when the user clicks a save & exit option they should be redirected to a page which is a dom element from an outside location: document.getElementById(‘thank-you’) I’ve created a component which should display this page: RedirectComponent I thought that setting this to display inner HTML as shown in the

Why is this promise returning undefined?

I am trying to write a simple function like this and I have made a firebase helper like this however, league is logging out as undefined and in here is logging out second. however, I thought it would be the other way around? I thought it would “await” for this function to resolve then once it’s resolved, it would show

Uncaught TypeError: is undefined

Using React and React-Dropdown package, I keep getting this Uncaught TypeError: is undefined error whenever I select a year. Answer Looks like this package doesn’t pass in the event but only the changed value of the new selected option: So you will have to change your code to something like this:

expo FaceDetector keep triggering “onFacesDetected” event in “accurate” mode even without face

I’m new to react native. I’m using expo FaceDetector to detect faces. when I’m using it in “fast” mode it trigger “onFacesDetected” event correctly. But when I’m using “accurate” mode “onFacesDetected” event keep triggering (on “minDetectionInterval”) (it suppose to trigger after detecting a face). Is this a expo issue or my code is wrong ? Any help would be greatly
