I have tried using <Switch> and exact after viewing this post: React Router v4 renders multiple routes but it hasn’t resolved my problem, which is that 2 of my components are rendered at the same time when the <Link> function operates. The code: The result is the html of Component A showing up and “Welcome to ComponentB” underneath them. Please
Tag: react-router-dom
React Functional Component Parent and Child – Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): X is not a function
I have a parent app which contains a handler function (handleChallengeSave). The handler function triggers a useState (setSavedChallenge) in the parent. The handler function is passed down as props to the child. I’m getting an ‘Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): X is not a function’ error. However if I change nothing other than moving the state to the child, it works. Eg:
How to filter cars by key-value
I implement car auction, and I have a car items list inside the catalog component. I have buttons that specify the type of car (suv, bike, passenger..) when I click on any of the buttons, I want to redirect to catalog with a filtered list of cars with according typeCar. So data with objects is in App.js I have a
ReactJs Link Not Able To Navigate To Respective Component
I am using “Link” in my component to navigate and pass respective data through props to other component. I have below primary component as AllSuppliers which is using Link to navigate to EditSupplier component. When Clicked On Edit Link , component not getting navigated. Just browser url is getting changed. As seen in the image , only browser url is
Unexpected output using react-router-dom with React’s Context API
For a small project of mine, I’m trying to implement the most basic authentication as possible, using the React context API without Redux. I created a context, and wrapped my <App /> component in it like so; <AuthProvider></App></AuthProvider>. Because I want to keep the authenticated state, I used the browser’s local storage, for storing a simple boolean value. Then, in
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘state’ of undefined (Giving props through link)
I can’t retrieve the props gived on the Link attribute. Here is the code of my Link class component : And i’m trying to retrieve the props in the Redirect page like that : But React is giving me an error.. : “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘state’ of undefined” So how can i retrieve these data ? (im on React-router
React Router: How to keep a param in the URL when clicking on a Link
I’m using React Router v5.2 in my project. Browser Router looks like this: The Link to navigate: Clicking the link obviously overwrites the param if my URL is like “mysite.com/param” this and turns it into “mysite.com/sitemap”. But my question is, how would I make it “mysite.com/sitemap/param” from the link? I tried adding the history.location.pathname when adding the link, but it
Routing to a new component from react-bootstrap-table-next?
I have a table of coding problems. When a user clicks on the name of the problem, I want the app to route to a page for a Problem component with props. Right now I am trying to do so by using formatter and then creating a Route with react-router-dom. However, the component just opens inside of the table, instead
React Router Dom : Warning: Received `true` for a non-boolean attribute `exact`
I applied all possibility but this console warning not gone. Warning: Received true for a non-boolean attribute exact.if you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string instead: exact=”true” or exact={value.toString()}. I also applied this possibility but not solved my problem: Full Code: Urls.js: Home.js: Register.js: Screenshot : No any console error but when click on register then
Conditional display of component based on Route matching
I am looking to conditionally render a component based on the route (using React Router), and the component should return null if it matches any path pre-defined in an array or some sort of similar data structure, where I do not have to be reliant on a <Switch>/<Route> setup. Currently here is what I have but it is clearly inefficient